Version 5.02 – 10 Feb 2021
- Rebuild to include updated on-screen RCUs with the NoResize property. They were missing from build 5.01.
Version 5.01 – 5 Feb 2021
- All on-screen RCUs now have the ResizeMode property set to NoResize.
- Fixed bug in on-screen remote controls, event that handled snapping to screen edge wasn't always hooked up.
Version 5.00 – 25 Jan 2021
- Added the 'WIND' remote control, with more modern key layout, including Netflix and Youtube.
Version 4.92 – 14 Oct 2020
- Removed the auto-updater which could cause TestManager to freeze.
Version 4.91 – 6 April 2020
- A couple of bug fixes in on-screen remote controls.
Version 4.90 – 25 March 2020
- Requires .NET version 4.7.2 and IronPython 2.7.9 (if using Python scripting).
- Some support for RF4CE control of STBs.
- Named operation output supported from on-screen remotes.
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements.
Version 4.79 – 08 May 2018
- Supports editing of IR signals and datasets.
- Can import a single device IR dataset (used to have to import the full AvDevice IR DB).
- Inital, example DB better conforms to standard IR name set.
Version 4.78 – 19 March 2018
- Moved to .NET 4.5.2.
- Added in-built web server to allow remote STB control via a web page.
- Keyboard shortcuts can now be configured in options.
- Scripts can be called from the STB Layout window.
- Added support for SQL Server 2017.
- Misc bux fixes.
Version 4.70 – 14 June 2017
- Supports the RedRat-X.
- Supports external script file logging.
Version 4.68 – 7 Nov 2016
- Fixed threading issues with the auto-update process.
Version 4.67 – 4 Nov 2016
- Added option to disable logging while running Python scripts externally.
Version 4.66 – 20 Oct 2016
- Supports the irNetBox-IV.
- Various fixes and improvements to core comms code (V4.12).
Version 4.65 – 9 May 2016
- Uses V4.11 of RedRat core code.
- Includes an update check and auto-update.
Version 4.64 – 25 Feb 2016
- Added support for sharing irNetBoxes with other applications and users. Now able to use a RedRatHub instance for IR output.
- Added Signal database exportation.
- Fixed bug in closing the ScriptDialog when Python scripts weren’t stopped.
- Fixed bug regarding adding new irNetBoxes via IP.
- Improved lookup of RedRat devices.
- Uses improved product/version ID lookup in RedRat core code.
Version 4.61 – 4 Dec 2015
- Added support for running Python scripts outside TestManager – see documentation and code.
- Python API supports sending commands to single STBs as well as lists.
Version 4.60 – 6 Nov 2015
- Multiple script executing windows can be opened without the warning dialog.
- Can explicitly search for new RedRat hardware without having to re-start the application.
- Initial support for MK-IV irNetBoxes has been added.
Version 4.59 – 1 Oct 2015
- RS001-2267: Opening scripts externally now brings editor window to foreground.
- RS001-2268: Scripts can no longer be moved to other folders while they are open.
- RS001-2271: If scripts fail to open then their state now stays as ‘unused’.
- Bug fixes related to starting and stopping scripts.
Version 4.58 – 3 Aug 2015
- Improved behaviour when converting between MK-II and III output power levels.
- No longer able to edit/delete root script folder.
- Multi-threaded python scripts now supported by python script engine.
Version 4.57 – 9 July 2015
- Window sizes and positions are saved across sessions.
- RS001-2249: Script type is now kept during copy & paste.
- Many fixes and improvements to windows and dialog handling.
- Fixes and improvements to the STB Layout window and editor.
- Updated all icons.
- Remote control input window remembers input method.
- RS001-2259: Python script editor inserts spaces rather than tabs.
- Built-in script editor now indicates whether script changes have occurred.
- RS001-2260: Scripts can now be edited in external editors and have recent changes loaded back into DB while still open.
- Supports MDI and SDI modes for external script editors.
- RS001-2261: Can specify the duration of an IR signal using the Python API to simulate long button presses.
Version 4.56 – 24 May 2015
- RS001-2244: Fixed bug which prevented virtual remotes from moving to other screens when ‘Options -> snap to screen edge’ was ticked.
- RS001-2216: The position & size of all forms managed by the FormManager are now saved.
- Fixed bug whereby a long running python script can have problems due to cross app-domain GC.
- Improved notification if IronPython not installed.
Version 4.55 – 15 April 2015
- Fixed bug preventing IR output on MK-III boxes using output groups.
- Internal DB backup filename has date appended in form yyyy-MM-dd.
- Can now support scripts of more than 4000 chars with SQL Server compact.
Version 4.53 – 12 Feb 2015
- Added ability to change default decoder parameters for remote control input via the options box.
Version 4.52 – 9 Feb 2015
- Layout editor prompts for saving changes if top-RH ‘X’ used.
- IR signal capture parameters now adjustable and stored for use by RedRat3s during IR input.
Version 4.51 – 3 Dec 2014
- Misc minor improvements to the options dialog.
- Tab orders corrected in some dialogs.
- Various GUI improvements.
- Uses new application icon and Win8 tile.
- Added some access and shortcut keys.
Version 4.50 – 28 Oct 2014
- Fixed bugs in script management.
- Moved to .NET 4.5.1.